Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Welcome Sagittarian brothers & sisters!

I have always loved being a Sagittarian...

Mostly cause we are so wonderfully amazing...

We are insanely imaginative, insanely creative, insanely loyal and kind, insanely adventurous and easy-going... insanely modest (not) and we are mostly.. well... Insane...

I don't want any Sagittarians from November to be offended by the blogs title... I respect Novembers Sagittarians just as much... But there is something about the title that exudes intrigue and coolness...

I will be periodically posting photos and info on famous Sagittarians and their awesome accomplishments. You might also notice me mention the common link between Sagittarius and Taurus quite often...  I have noticed that within families - where there is a Taurus, there usually is a Sagittarius! Statistics are fascinating... So I will be creating some fun polls to participate in!

Right now lets kick off with an awesome article extract from cracked.com

#6. God's Liquor Cabinet

If anything is going to replenish the public's waning interest in space exploration, it's probably this: Below is a photo of Sagittarius B2, a huge cloud a few million times the mass of our sun, floating around near the center of our galaxy. Scientists have discovered that it's basically a giant river of raspberry-flavored rum.
Jesus is a wine lover, but God has distinctly trashier tastes.
No, really. Sagittarius B2 contains about 10 billion billion billion liters of alcohol. That's enough booze to get Galactus to make a pass at Ursa Major, but the cloud is also packed full of molecules called ethyl formate. This chemical, said to smell of rum, is the same chemical that gives raspberries their flavor.
Not only did God apparently decide to "Irish up" the Milky Way, but this also represents the next best thing to finding life outside our world. Alcohol is an organic compound, so if scientists could learn more about how it manages to form in space, they might be able to figure out how life formed. And they can get blitzed doing it

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_20237_the-6-most-bizarre-things-ever-discovered-in-space.html#ixzz2KgCerH68

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